From what I gather from comments on your question, and its edit history, you've been acting in bad faith.
I highly recommend taking the Tour and reading the FAQ. The Help Center may be useful to you as well. You may need to get oriented with how the different aspects of the site (questions, answers, comments, Meta, etc.) function.
Stack Exchange does not work like a forum. It is at its core a Q&A. Everybody here wants to help you find the answer you're looking for, but you have to help us do that. Please don't assume that anyone here is acting towards you or your question in bad faith; with malice or ill intent.
Comments and edits are for clarification. We are not inherently the owners of the posts we make, but the original querrent has the ability to currate an answer that was useful to them. If an answer isn't useful to you, that's okay; Just wait until another user submits another answer. There's no need to act with hostility towards an answer you do not find helpful.
If you have any questions please check out the links above and, when you have enough reputation, members in chat are always more than happy to help.
Note: I am not a moderator, and also did not witness the entire event. I am assuming by comments there are deleted answers and comments that I cannot see.