I mean no disrespect. V:tM was the first tabletop game I ever played or ran, and I think highly of World of Darkness in many ways. But it's simply full of inconsistencies and other problems which make scope awkward in approaching questions. I mentioned above the difference in how werewolves are represented in their own product vs. in other books under the WoD franchise. If a querent comes here asking a question about werewolves, it's not totally clear which would be the authoritative answer.
I won't say that it was necessarily appropriate to not add citations, but to hunt down and add each one for each style of magic that had an answer would take ages. My answer (though not popular) is correct, even though it doesn't cite the nameless annotator in Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy expressing (multiple times) that unapproved individuals learning Thaumaturgy are to be executed by the Tremere clan across a narrative section written by another unnamed character.