Our current chat dice bot is awesome. However it could be more awesome with 3 things.
The first and most important is support both the d4 and the d10. Currently these die rolls can be resolved using other dies but native support would be really good. (d3 would also be great, but is not necessary)
The second thing that would be really awesome would be support for fudge dice. (These are six sided dice that have 2 sides showing a '+', 2 sides showing a '-' and 2 blank sides)
The final thing that would be most helpful would be support for larger dice pools. Currently it is limited at 9. Support for up to 12 would be nice.
(Edit from Brian)
To extend and amplify, being one of the people who use this in chat for real games, the red dice visualization is cute but distracting. Ultimately, I would love this to present a rolldice
like syntax (but including fudge dice) or similar which supports strong dice expressions. A port or hook to troll could also be effective as a tool that can be referenced in dice questions. But the giant red dice, while eye catching, aren't particularly useful when actually gaming with them. Having a direct rolldice link would be awesome, especially if it pulled from /dev/random
(Edit from Max)
Dice are a major part of most RPG games and having a flexible dice system could encourage more visitors to the chat. Being able to type 'roll XdY +/- Z' would be marvelous. I would like to see it display the individual rolls as well as the sum in the output if possible.
(Community Syntax)
{#x} optional, roll # sets
{#}d[#|%|f] amount not required, defaults to 1, sides required, number, % (percentile), f (fudge, with +,-, and blank)
{[+|-]#} add or subtract a number
Text as Individual dice, total rolled via text format. preserve current images for the trivial #d# expressions supported.