Are podcast recommendations off topic?
Sadly, yes.
All recommendations are off topic, not some specifically enumerated list (well, you didn't mention GM screens...).
Historical reading:
The reason is the same reason for paid products, Web resources, tools, etc. Questions will tend to poorly define their criteria and generate a long list of soon to be outdated options (like the linked podcast req in the question). Or people will helpfully just "Google that for them." Or... All the other reasons.
Rec questions, also known as "shopping questions," are banned network-wide. We tried to allow them under limited cases. While the discussion was about "game recs," given our reasoning we allowed other kinds of recs under the banner of that experiment. But when that experiment failed because we couldn't do them well, that experiment ended, again the discussion was mostly about "game recs" but it applies whole cloth to all the recs brought in under that experiment's banner. Therefore "game recs" now banned means all recs banned. There aren't any meaningful changes when it's "but its an X-rec" that eliminates the issues with them.
So the answer is "no, same reason," and what can we do about it is "same thing." "What's the best way to learn Savage Worlds by watching people play it" could be legitimately answered with "Among other options watching podcasts, and here are two good SW APs I listen to..." But "I want a SW AP podcast" fits into the exact same req category and will have the exact same problems, in fact nearly identical to tools in that they tend to go dead more often.
You are trying to argue through false analogy that "well then anything where anyone is asked to give some opinion is banned." That's not true, it's requests for classes of off-site resources where there is no other more high quality answer possible than a list of one or more resources. "I want your recommendation, as in your expert opinion, on this character option" is not a "rec question" in this sense. Consider it a "resource recommendation" ban if that helps you.
We tried to allow curated rec questions. It didn't work. We're not going to then try to re-allow it in corner cases, it takes way too much work for the value.
Please note that shopping/rec questions are off topic Stack wide as a general policy - we allowed game-recs (which was left as a deliberately vague term instead of having "adventure-rec, setting-rec, etc. per a previous meta conversation) as an experiment, but once that experiment was ended there's nothing else rec-cy left on topic we need to explicitly remove. That was one umbrella exception and that umbrella's closed. We had to say that out loud in the tool-rec discussion, but don't really need to say it again for every *-rec discussion.
I love podcasts, I hope this poster gets an answer somewhere, etc. I championed us trying to do recs and keep them on topic here. We as a community failed in that, which disappoints me too but it's water under the bridge and we need to move on.