So it recently came up on Site approachability that our FAQ comes off as a little ... "get off my lawn".
So, how can we make it better?
- What should be added?
- What should be removed?
- What's good the way it is?
Updated, please take a look.
So it recently came up on Site approachability that our FAQ comes off as a little ... "get off my lawn".
So, how can we make it better?
Updated, please take a look.
Here's my own riff (not edited in above because it's ... fairly different). Not a community wiki because we should have different versions competing for votes. Edit if you want to modify this version though.
Be welcome, friend, and enter!
Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is for players, designers, and gamemasters of table top role-playing games and anyone else interested in the hobby.
We welcome questions about all pencil and paper RPGs, Dungeons & Dragons, Dogs in the Vineyard, Shadowrun, World of Darkness, or any of the thousands of others amateur or professional.
Take a look at What is role-playing, and where do I start? if you're wondering what this hobby is all about.
Don't be scared!
The best questions are those that have specific answers, but in general, if you have a question which covers...
- A specific problem with playing or running a table-top RPG
- Game rules
- Tools and equipment used while playing table-top RPGs
- Information about campaign settings
- Matters which are specific to table-top pen and paper RPGs
...then you're in the right place!
Jump right in!
We like answers! If you answer based on your own understanding and experience, that's useful to us.
Better, faster, stronger...
We like to help you make your questions and answers better, too. Don't worry if you get a few comments on your contribution: we want this to be a resource that everyone can use and you may not be expecting some of our requirements.
Before you contribute, though, consider the following:
- We want the questions on our site to be valuable sources of information for all web users, not just our community members, so we try to keep our personal opinions out of our questions and answers when we can. Don't be afraid to contribute your own experiences though. If you've experienced something, the lessons you learned may be valuable to others!
- We don't re-ask the same question once it's been answered. We add more answers, we add comments, we edit the answers, and we ask a related question, but we avoid asking the same thing again.
If you read the above and rpg.stackexchange isn't what you're looking for, you might want to try:
- Asking questions about Computer RPGs or MMORPGs on
- Asking questions about board games, card games, or table top war games on
- Asking broad discussion questions, solicitations for idea generation, and polls for popular opinion on an appropriate RPG forum
We still have the same problem: the "get off my lawn" part of the FAQ "What kind of questions can I ask here?" is still lengthier than the "welcome to our site part" - visually it's twice as big and textually it's 30+ words longer:
This makes no sense and is redundant since there is another section of the FAQ devoted to "What kind of questions should I not ask here" later on...
Here's a try:
Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is for players and gamemasters of tabletop role-playing games - Dungeons & Dragons, Dogs in the Vineyard, Shadowrun, World of Darkness, or any of the thousands of other pen-and-paper RPGs - who need answers to questions.
The best questions are those that have specific answers, but in general, if you have a question which covers...
- A specific problem with playing or running a table-top RPG
- Game rules
- Tools and equipment used while playing table-top RPGs
- Information about campaign settings
- Matters which are specific to table-top pen and paper RPGs
...then you're in the right place!
Before you ask your question, though, consider the following:
- We want the questions on our site to be valuable sources of information for all web users, not just our community members, so we try to keep our personal opinions out of our questions and answers when we can.
- Likewise, we don't want the information on our site to become obsolete, and so we try not to ask questions whose answers may change with time.
- Since the answers to questions on rpg.stackexchange shouldn't change with time, we don't re-ask the same question once it's been answered. We add more answers, we add comments, we ask a related question, but we avoid asking it again.
If you read the above and rpg.stackexchange isn't what you're looking for, you might want to try:
- Asking questions about Computer RPGs or MMORPGs on
- Asking questions about board games, card games, or table top war games on
These items
- Questions about RPG or genre related movies, comics, novels, or other media
- Questions about Card games, miniature games, wargames, and boardgames
If your question is about Computer RPGs or MMORPGs, ask on
If your question is about board games, card games, or table top war games ask on
appear to be duplicate information and could be condensed.
A couple minor formatting notes:
"But what about ..." is a bit large. It should match the other headings like "What kind of questions can I ask here?"
"We accept questions about rules, campaign settings, role-playing challenges, gaming tools, gamemastering challenges, and more. And yes, it's Ok to be subjective!" should be broken up into a list, to help it catch the reader's eye:
We accept questions about:
- Rules
- Campaign settings
- Role-playing challenges
- Gaming tools
- Gamemastering challenges
And yes, it's okay to be subjective!
Perhaps make "it's okay to be subjective" a link to
I'll go over the exact copy, and compare it to what LeguRi has tomorrow and see if anything jumps out...