That question addresses how we handle questions that have multiple parts, where most answers only address the secondary question. Now I want to ask how the community feels about answers that only answer part of the question, but ignoring the other, main, question.
Should such answers be flagged as Not An Answer? Should we downvote them?
These three proposed duplicates
- Should I be requesting people answer the question independently?
- I have a partial answer or useful response to a question, but I cannot create a full answer out of it. What should I do?
- I have some information to add to help someone solve their issue, do I answer or comment?
are approaching the issue as the answerer. This question is about how we, as the community, should handle these partial answers. The answers have been posted, but how do we should handle these?
Do we allow people to post partial answers? If the answer is no, how do we handle already-posted partial answers?