I am aware of the how to ask a homebrew review guidelines, however, I feel that a whole class review (specifically for D&D 5e here, but may apply to other systems and editions) is a problem by itself. We got one recently, and I even thought about posting mine up for review but I decided not to because I think it would not be a good question for this SE.
So, the problem I see is that a whole class is a lot. At worst, a martial class will have almost a feature per level, while spellcasting classes may be a little easier since there is already a fixed spell progression, but nonetheless, a whole class still would have a handful of features.
So, I see two options right now, but both seem quite... bad.
Post the whole class. This will be a huge question, which IMO is a problem since it might be just overwhelming and not interest many people to read and actually answer it.
Split it in tier or features or some other way. The problem I see here is that the features should be analyzed together. Maybe we are giving a quite strong key feature to the class at 5th level because the features it will be getting from 6 to 8 are flavorish and underpowered (e.g. Favored Enemy or Terrain).
Even if the querent has a very good grasp on what it wants to balance (e.g., "this feature at 6th level"), it probably would still require a look in the entire class to understand the synergies and the overall power level, and it is still a huge effort for answerers.
That said, I would like to understand the community view on how a question about reviewing a whole class would be well done and nicely accepted.
As a note, I do understand that the answer might be "there is no way because it simply doesn't fit well here".