According to Area 51, we've been in beta way more than a year now. All our stats on Area51 aren't always green, but they've sure been consistent over that time. What is required for us to move ahead? There's only two sites in beta older than we are, and some of the launched sites have stats virtually identical to ours (e.g. Home Improvement).
Edit: As an update, we still haven't heard from anyone on the community team or CHAOS. So we're left to our own devices to get site stats up to the point where someone might decide to care about us. I will note that the gaming renaissance on Google+ is making it our largest referring site now. Over the year our traffic has gone up and down but it looks like a good 25% improvement page view wise; questions and answers are flat. Basically if you read this and care, you can help by promoting the site via links on forums, blogs (yours and others), twitter, g+, fb, etc.