As of this writing, we have 7 questions explicitly asking for solutions within the Moldvay edition of D&D.
In chronological order, newest first:
- Moldvay D&D First Round in Encounter
- Melee Combat in Moldvay's D&D Basic
- How many things can a player do on his or her round?
- Turns vs. Rounds playing time in Moldvay D&D 1981 Ed
- Moldvay Basic D&D - Mapping using Charater Movement Rates
- How can players learn the nature of magic items?
- In early D&D, why would chainmail ever be preferred over plate armor?
In light of the fact we have no tag for Moldvay's D&D, a few of these questions are just leaving the system in their title.
Generally we have a tag to distinguish between systems, and seven questions is probably enough to have a tag for Moldvay D&D. However I am concerned it may be counter-productive to have one. Is it worth distinguishing between Moldvay D&D and other AD&D systems tag-wise? Should we have a moldvay-dnd tag?