I'm not sure as to why there is such an emphasis on locking out other systems from what is a descriptor about a rules mechanic that can span systems, if not specifically by "name".
I'd consider a D&D Skill Challenge's mechanics to be "a party of PCs perform tests of their choosing multiple times, and failure or success is determined by attainment of a certain amount of successes before a certain amount of failures" - this can be easily applied across other systems without any specific D&D requirement, so in terms of maintaining its rules mechanic meaning, it doesn't need to stay solely with D&D.
In Savage Worlds, if my hacker needed to hack a system actively defended by a security expert, I'd challenge their skills by trying to roll a better "knowledge: hacking" result, or if my rogue needed to sneak past a guard, I'd consider Stealthing past him while he tries to Notice me a challenge where we roll against our relevant skills. I know this might come down to semantics (I think the OP is mixed up between what a Trait Test is for and what his skills are for, for instance) but I'd appreciate skill-challenge as people may refer to such situations in such a way, not strictly staying true to how a system might word the term.
As I've hopefully demonstrated, there's two ways of looking at this that provide a requirement for the tag, where it is applicable across systems (regardless of how accurate they are to defined system names for such mechanics).
If I needed to see Skill Challenges within a system regardless of what I meant by a "Skill Challenge", I'd ensure my search included the relevant system tags, rather than wanting a tag (that could apply cross-system to any situation where skills are compared against each other or where skills are repeatedly rolled until a criteria is reached) specifically reserved for a given system, which seems like a close-minded approach.
Abstraction of a tag would then also help those who wanted inspiration from other systems, and don't necessarily find such inspiration in the one system they're using; you want help devising a D&D skill challenge, but the D&D posts aren't doing it for you? Find other systems' skill challenge-like situations with skill-challenge!
A slightly less helpful contribution would be to create system-specific skill challenge tags, and could be argued that if skill challenges in dnd-4e are so specifically reserved, the tag should instead be dnd-4e-skill-challenge, but this would require editing of existing, incorrect tags.