Inspired by response to this, in turn inspired by this
It appears to be the majority opinion that some quality of the impact of game systems prevents authoritative answers as to the impact of special in-character knowledge of the rules-as-metaphysics in a system-agnostic manner (i.e. in a general manner with specific differences between general system categories based of off general principles).
I currently disagree with this opinion, but am aware I am likely wrong because I do not understand this position at all. How and why does the impact of special in-character knowledge of the rules-as-metaphysics vary between game systems? If this is not possible to answer, what is it about system differences that makes no general theory of the impact of in-character knowledge formulatable? What prevents these issues from being overcome?
The question "How does a post-modernist cosmology affect a game?" is not answerable because different rule systems behave so erratically different (i.e. they form a chaotic system) that either no possible unifying principle can be applied or such a principle would require more effort than it is appropriate to ask for from this site (this is a reasonable position). I don't understand why or that this is the case. Explain.