On this answer here: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/a/65542/2064
A definition is given of a word. That definition is NOT provided by the text of the book being referenced. My comment alerting readers to this fact is being deleted.
If you are going to quote the book, quote the book accurately, and stop trying to hide the fact that you are doing so!
My comment for the record, which keeps getting deleted is:
"The definition of the word provided here does not match the one provided by the PHB, please make that more clear."
This back and forth of deleting relevant comments is getting ridiculous.
I attempted to make it more clear by having the source include only the actual table in the book, instead of the paragraph defining "Trinkets". That also was reverted, despite there being no items on page 159.
Using mod privileges to erase comments that are perfectly valid, seems frankly quite harmful to the site.