I'm new to this site and to RPG Stackexchange where I have been spending my time so far. I only have a moderate experience with DND and most of my friends have none. I've been looking for a reliable site to ask DND questions for months and when I stumbled onto this site I thought it was a godsend. However, upon joining, I've been having a little difficulty getting what I want out there as a newcomer.
The tour and question guide give very general rules on how to write your questions, despite requiring them to be specific themselves.
you cannot reply to a moderators editing or deletion of your comment, and no private message system is available to speak to them about it.
Very little advice is forthcoming on how to improve your questions. They often get put on hold or removed with no explanation of how to fix them besides "make it specific and follow the rules". If you don't know how to do this... there aren't really any ways to to make progress in the right direction.
Most people joining this site are going to have questions and want to answer other peoples questions in an attempt to help them. Your answers and questions getting deleted and then resulting in a question ban make it incredibly hard to improve your own abilities. If someone's answer isn't quite as good as someone else's, downvoting and deletion are a lot more punishing for attempting to help someone than if someone were trolling or being of no help at all.
Is there any way to reduce the barrier of entry on such a useful site that seems so unfriendly to new faces?
A good example is recently one of my answers got deleted by a moderator named Seven Sided Die (10k link). He didn't do this for any malicious reason. I had replied to a question early and the question was then put on hold because the moderators wanted the question asker to edit the question to be more clear without just taking my answer and going with it for the sake of clarity. However, the person may never fix their question, or they may fix it in a way that invalidates my answer. I'm fine with this, but since Seven deleted it rather than asking me to, I lost 6 Reputation. Now, since Seven has over one-hundred thousand rep, this wouldn't seem like a big deal to him, however, since I had 19 at the time, this dropped my score back to 13, meaning I could no longer upvote answers or reply to protected questions. This is fairly serious to me, because I like being able to show support to good answers while I browse the site. Something I can't do until I regain that rep I lost through more answers that could lose me rep, questions that could get me account-locked, or waiting for the person to hopefully edit their question so I can get it back. This is a brutal up-hill climb for self-reliance when new people join the site.