I stumbled upon the tag trying-new-systems. Sadly it has neither a tag wiki excerpt nor a full tag wiki, and I can't find any discussions about the tag to learn something about the reasoning behind the tag.
It's currently used for four questions:
- Fate based minigames in a historic/fantasy realm? was locked as "Shopping Request" - this is the earliest question with this tag
- Any good, lightweight systems for a Borrowers-based RPG? was closed as "Too Broad" because it didn't adhere to the "Shopping Request" guidelines of the time
- New to roleplaying, how do I start off a sort of superhero game with my sister? was closed as "Too Broad"
- What GM preparation would help with a first try at Valiant Universe RPG? is still open
Do we still need the tag? If so, could someone update the tag wiki to explain how the tag is supposed to be used? Most questions with the tag are closed and it seems to be from a time when shopping requests were allowed. Part of what trying-new-systems seems to want to achieve could be already covered by system-introduction and the rest seems to be about shopping requests, which are off-topic.