Recently I asked a question that was put on hold for being a "Shopping" question.
I believe that is solved, asking not for a specific game but which ruleset allows what I was looking for.
Still, though, I think it is interesting to see if there exists any actual game with such ruleset implemented.
At the end of the question I included the following wording:
Bonus (off-topic) question: Is there any actual game that follow those mechanics? While this will not be valued for chosing best answer, I'd appreciate any answer to this question either on the answer or comments.
I'd been pointed on the comments that it's a bad practice, being it an entirely unrelated and non-essential extra question. I'd like to understand if it's the case and whether or not it's bad practice.
As I see it (and the reason why I kept the bonus question):
- There are many published rpg-systems.
- Given a specific rule-set, it's very probable that a game following it had been published.
- Giving an example of a rule-set being applied helps understand it and empirically proves (or disproves) that such rule-set achieves the desired dynamics.