The "Low Quality Posts" review queue presents me with four options for each post. The guidance it provides on which one to pick is:
- Looks OK if nothing is wrong with this answer
- Edit if you can fix all the problems with this answer
- Recommend Deletion to recommend that this answer be deleted
- Skip if you are not sure and want to go to the next item
My impression based on questions like this one is that the threshold for when to delete a post is pretty high; involving phrases like "no lasting value whatsoever." It's also telling that all of the built-in comments when you click the Recommend Deletion button are variants on not-an-answer.
Most of the time, the posts I see in this queue are bad, but not obviously so bad that they meet the stringent criteria for being expunged from the site; they're more the kind of thing that I would toss a downvote on, maybe a "this answer could be improved by..." comment if there isn't one there already, and move on.
But I'm not sure what that means in terms of the review queue:
Looks OK if nothing is wrong with this answer
Not this one; there is something wrong with the answer, namely it's bad.
Edit if you can fix all the problems with this answer
Great option if I can fix all the problems, but frequently I can't.
Recommend Deletion to recommend that this answer be deleted
I think I'm only supposed to click this if it's egregiously terrible or not-an-answer, not if it's merely bad.
Skip if you are not sure and want to go to the next item
This is what I usually end up clicking, but doesn't this just kick the can down the road for the next reviewer?