As discovered by @Xirema, we have a significant number of questions about the Twinned Spell metamagic. More specifically, searching for 5e questions about "twinned spell" ([dnd-5e] is:question twinned spell
) yields 50 results, while we only have 75 metamagic questions for 5e altogether (although not all twinned spell questions are even tagged with metamagic).
I realize that there are arguments against adding the tag; more specifically, I don't think there is a precedent for a tag as "low-level" as this tag would be. While we do have tags for certain class features already (such as for Wildshape, Eldritch Invocations, Sneak Attack or Metamagic), I haven't found a tag for another "sub-feature" like Twinned Spell is (as in, an option of a class feature).
However, since the Metamagic class feature offers so many different new options (not just twinning spells) that are otherwise unique in 5e, I think it's worth splitting the tag up. As far as I know, no other class feature in 5e offers that many hugely different possibilities. Fighting style or a Battle Master's Maneuvers offer various options as well, but they're mostly mechanic and don't offer anything game-changing. Eldritch invocations, on the other hand, have a bigger impact on how you can approach problems or combine them with other features, but there are so many of them that creating tags for specific ones is not viable.
Specifically, the following metamagic options can have a huge impact on the game:
- Twinned Spell: for less experienced or entirely new users, it's often difficult to tell whether or not a certain spell is valid for Twinned Spell, which is by itself an extremely powerful feature.
- Subtle Spell: Relevant for silenced areas, Counterspell, etc.
- Extended Spell: Several spells have a duration of 8 hours, so that they last pretty much the entire adventuring day - but not beyond a long rest, so you can't cast them, take a long rest, and then have them active AND full spell slots. Examples include Mage Armor, Foresight, Aid, etc. Doubling the duration obviously breaks this design principle.
In my opinion, these options - while being made available through the same class feature - are distinct enough to warrant having their own tags. Especially considering that there would be roughly 30-50 questions tagged with Twinned Spell alone, and that we have many tags with far less questions.
Either way, since creating metamagic-option-specific tags creates the issue of what to do with the existing metamagic tag, I think we should define the tags as follows:
- metamagic: For questions that are about Metamagic in general, i.e. if you substituted any mention of e.g. Twinned Spell with another Metamagic option, the question would still work.
- twinned-spell and other option-specific tags: For questions specifically about Twinned Spell, i.e. if you substituted any mention of Twinned Spell with another Metamagic option, the questions wouldn't make any sense.
Therefore, the tags would be mutually exclusive. I'm not entirely positive users would recognize this distinction, even if it were directly in the tag wiki summary, so maybe we should just use twinned-spell in addition to metamagic. I don't think we can remove the generic Metamagic tag, since not all metamagic questions are about a specific option.
Of course, distinguishing the tags in this way also makes tags for the other metamagic options necessary. I haven't searched for those in detail, but from what I can gather by counting the number of results when searching for [dnd-5e] is:question "metamagic option here"
, most questions about metamagic options are about twinning spells, followed by subtle spell in second place and quickened or empowered spells in 3rd and 4th place. The other options are in the single digits, question-count-wise.
Anyways, my question boils down to: Do we think that such a tag is a useful addition?
Assuming we do, I have identified a bunch of questions that would need to be edited to take the tag. Below is a list of questions that should get the twinned-spell and/or metamagic tags. The lists assume that the twinned-spell tag would be used in conjunction with the metamagic tag, since that's what I had in mind when I created them, but I've sinced figured out that it might be a good idea for the tags to be mutually exclusive.
Needs twinned-spell, and has metamagic:
- Can the spell Enemies Abound be twinned?
- Can I make independent spell-effect choices for a Twinned spell?
- Can you use Twinned Spell on Fireball and target the same creature with both attacks?
- Can a persistent spell cast using the Sorcerer's Metamagic Twinned Spell affect both spells?
- Can Hex be Twinned?
- Can a Twinned Hex be targeted at or moved onto a single creature?
- When do I have to declare that I want to twin my spell?
- How many sorcery points does twin spell use when copying a spell cast with a higher level slot?
- Can a Sorcerer Twin Telekinesis, Eyebite, and Bigby's Hand?
- What happens if you Twin Spell a spell that requires concentration?
- Can you twin Counterspell in response to a Counterspell counter chain?
Needs twinned-spell, doesn't have metamagic:
- Sorcerer: does Twinned spell allow you to cast 2 concentration spells?
- Can you deal damage to two targets each round, using Twinned Spell and Witch Bolt?
- Casting a Smite, then Twinned Spell on a Booming Blade?
- Can Eldritch Blast be Twinned?
- Can you choose to cast a lower level version of a cantrip?
- Does a Ring of Spell Turning work on spells upcast to target an additional creature?
- Does the Tempest domain's Destructive Wrath maximize ongoing damage from a twinned Witch Bolt?
Is about Metamagic and potentially needs the metamagic tag (or a metamagic-option-specific tag), but is not specifically about Twinned Spell or already has the twinned-spell tag:
- Does Twinned Spell work on Hellish Rebuke?
- Does a sorcerer's metamagic work for non-sorcerer spells?
- Are there any major balance issues with Sorcerers having access to these non-sorcerer spells?
- Does replacing Metamagic with a delayed Arcane Tradition have glaring balance issues?
- How can I deal with the inability to speak caused by the pink bubbles Wild Magic surge effect?
- Does using a Spell Scroll always include a verbal component?
- How many damage rolls do you make for the Prismatic Spray spell?
- Subtle spell and saving throws
- How much of an arcana difficulty check would be necessary to recognize a silent, still spell being cast?
- How to calculate the expected damage increase from Empowered Spell?
Has the maximum of 5 tags already; should we replace an existing tag with twinned-spell?
- Can a multiclassed Wizard/Sorcerer use the Twinned Spell metamagic option on Simulacrum?
- How does the Twinned Spell metamagic option interact with the Draconic Bloodline sorcerer's Elemental Affinity feature?
- Can a Sorcerer/Paladin use Twinned Spell with Find Steed to affect more than two targets?
- How many attack/damage rolls does a sorcerer make when using the Twinned Spell metamagic option?
- Can Twinned Spell be used on Plane Shift when it's used to banish an unwilling creature to another plane?
- Does the grave cleric Circle of Mortality feature cause a twinned healing spell to heal the maximum amount to a second target who is not at 0 HP?
- Which yields higher average damage, an Empowered or Twinned Chaos Bolt?
- What happens when I Twin Life Transference?
- Can a Sorcerer twin a spell to hit a creature with two heads with both attacks?
questions, but I think that in comparison, twinned-spell is still more useful. \$\endgroup\$