The Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron was originally released on July 23, 2018. Keith Baker's foreword on p. 4 stated (emphasis mine):
Bear in mind: this book presents my current vision of Eberron. This is the world I run at my own table and the way that I’ve converted its ideas to fifth edition. The game mechanics are usable in your campaign, but at this time they aren’t officially part of the game and aren’t permitted in D&D Adventurers League events. These mechanics will evolve based on player feedback. This is a living document, and as these concepts are refined, this book will also be updated for free—so you will be kept up to date with any changes that are made to it.
As of the release of Eberron: Rising from the Last War on Tuesday, November 19, the final versions of the races, artificer class and subclasses, dragonmarks, equipment and magic items, etc. were published in that book. Many of those things had also appeared in the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron; as of the same date, the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron has also been updated with the final versions of that content (as well as the artificer class, with only the Alchemist subclass).
4 Categories of Questions
After WGtE initially came out, there were a number of questions asking about the content in it - specifically, the versions of those things as they appeared in the initial release of that book. Most of that content (but not all) also went through the Unearthed Arcana playtest process - and not all of the questions about content that went through UA were marked as such by including the unearthed-arcana tag.
However, as of the release of RftLW, much of the content those questions are about has changed to varying degrees:
Some of the content being asked about did go through the UA process, but changed in a minor way that doesn't substantially affect the question.
- Does the Warforged Resilience racial trait apply to saving throws against poison damage?
(The name of the trait was changed to "Constructed Resilience", but the quoted text is unchanged.) - Can a Changeling shapeshifted into a mind flayer read Deep Speech?
(The name of the relevant changeling trait was changed to "Shapechanger", but the relevant portion of it was unchanged.) - Can changelings change shape to look identical to a specific person?
(Besides the trait being renamed, the wording of the trait changed slightly, but not in a way that invalidates the question or answers.)
- Does the Warforged Resilience racial trait apply to saving throws against poison damage?
Some content being asked about did go through the UA process, and did change in some substantial way in the final version of that content (potentially invalidating the question entirely).
- Can a Warforged suffer from magical exhaustion?
(The relevant line about exhaustion was entirely removed in the final version of the racial trait, which was also renamed.) - Is a Warforged considered to be wearing armor?
(The Integrated Protection trait was totally changed.) - Can a warforged druid use composite plating?
(Same as above; the trait was changed to remove the thing being asked about.)
- Can a Warforged suffer from magical exhaustion?
Some content didn't go through the UA playtest process, but changed in a minor way (since its appearance in WGtE) that doesn't substantially affect the question.
- Does the double-bladed scimitar's special attack let you use your ability modifier for the damage of the attack?
(The wording of its Special property is slightly different, and the Revenant Blade feat no longer adds a damage die to the double-bladed scimitar's bonus action attack, but the underlying question remains.)
- Does the double-bladed scimitar's special attack let you use your ability modifier for the damage of the attack?
Some content didn't go through the UA playtest process, but did change in some substantial way in the final version of that content (potentially invalidating the question entirely).
Since I can't find any examples of this, this category is purely hypothetical - but it would be nice to cover the possibility in case it exists.
- This case would be theoretically possible if it covered one of the lore sections of WGtE, or one of the mechanical sections of WGtE that weren't playtested in UA (such as the clawfoot raptor, which did have some changes but didn't get any questions asked about it).
How should we handle these 4 types of questions going forward? Do they need to be handled differently based on category?
My previous approach:
After RftLW was announced but before it was released, I did retag some of the questions about WGtE content that appeared in UA - particularly about warforged, which I knew were going to change - with the unearthed-arcana tag (and edited the question to clarify that they were referring to the versions that appeared in UA: Eberron Races) in anticipation of the impending changes:
- Does the Warforged Envoy's Integrated Tool feature give you a free tool?
- Does a UA envoy warforged have to choose a specific vehicle?
- If a UA warforged envoy's integrated vehicle is damaged, does it regain hit points when its warforged host takes a long rest?
However, I'm not sure if we should continue to take the same approach for other questions of this type in categories 1 and 2 - and more significantly, that approach isn't feasible for handling questions in categories 3 and 4.
Should questions in categories 1 and 2 be retagged? What should we do about categories 3 and 4?
In my search, I did find a few other questions that I wasn't sure how to categorize:
- How you calculate a warforged barbarian's AC?
- What are the consequences for a Warforged that does not spend 6 hours in its inactive state?
- How does a spellshard spellbook work?
In these cases, each question itself seemed based on the UA (i.e. original WGTE) version of the content being asked about; the final version of that content did change in RftLW and the updated WGtE in a way that didn't necessarily invalidate the whole question but did potentially change the answer.
In these cases, I left a comment informing the user that the content in question had changed, and asked if they were interested in the UA version alone or whether they were interested in an answer based on the revised version.
(That said, my assessment of these questions might be off, and it might warrant its own separate meta.)
Of course, there are also questions about content that appeared in the original version of WGtE - whether or not they appeared in UA - but didn't change at all... But those aren't really a concern here, since they can be left as-is without any real issue.