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Questions tagged [badges]

For questions and issues relating to badges, earning them, and the privileges associated with gold tag badges.

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3 votes
1 answer

Is the Yearling badge working correctly?

I've noticed that over the past 2-3 days, I've earned the Yearling badge (earn 200 rep in a one-year period) at least 4-5 times, and just for this post. While I appreciate your appreciation ;-), I can'...
Jorn's user avatar
  • 2,222
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When is a tag on a question counted for badges?

The SE system tracks a tally of how many questions you answered for a given tag, and at certain thresholds, awards badges (bronze, silver, gold) for that tag, that at least for gold status come with ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
3 votes
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Why aren't the badges Precognitive and Beta retired?

The name says it all. Why are these badges (precognitive and beta) unretired when you can't get them anymore?
User 23415's user avatar
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What good are the Tenacious and Unsung Hero badges?

There are two badges, Tenacious and Unsung Hero that never have been awarded. And other than the Illuminator badge that with enough diligence eventually can be awarded to someone willing to put in the ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
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How did I get the dnd-5e tag badge when I'm ignoring all the dnd tags I can find? [duplicate]

Just what it says on the tin -- I just received the "dnd-5e" tag badge, but I haven't answered a "dnd-5e" question in a couple months, because I started ignoring them to curtail ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
  • 16.2k
9 votes
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Re-earned all my tag badges at once

Today I had virtually no activity on the site (other than visiting) and to my surprise I somehow just earned all of my tag badges simultaneously. As far as I am aware I already had all these badges ...
Sdjz's user avatar
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Does the answer need to be upvoted within 12 hours to qualify for the Illiminator badge?

The Illuminator gold badge description says: Edit and answer 500 questions (both actions within 12 hours, answer score > 0) If you post an answer and edit the question, but then the answer goes ...
NathanS's user avatar
  • 80.8k
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Review actions performed outside of the Review Queue should contribute towards earning badges

Based on this screenshot of the review queue history: It doesn't appear that review efforts performed outside of the queue contribute towards a player earning the applicable badge. I know that I had ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
3 votes
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Is editing tags enough to quality for the Illuminator badge?

The Illuminator gold badge description says: Edit and answer 500 questions (both actions within 12 hours, answer score > 0) Is editing the tags of a question enough for the purposes of qualifying ...
NathanS's user avatar
  • 80.8k
7 votes
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What is the user policy for up-voting on comments, incorporating the advice of the comment, and then flagging the comment as no longer needed?

While answering questions I frequently receive comments, a fraction of these are helpful and offer advice that I incorporate into my answers. Do I up-vote these comments and then flag them for ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.7k
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How does one earn the "Socratic" badge?

The badge description confuses me: Ask a well-received question on 100 separate days, and maintain a positive question record The only part I get is "ask a well-received question". What I don't ...
enkryptor's user avatar
  • 70.8k
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Why doesn't my curious badge count all my well received questions?

After reading this Meta.SE post and reviewing this question and answer I can't seem to work out why the progress noted for my 'curious' badge is only 2/5 instead of 3/5. I don't have a positive ...
Isaac Reefman's user avatar
6 votes
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What privileges, exactly, come with tag badges?

I'm given to understand, based on questions like this one, that tag badges (only gold tag badges?) come with some privileges that apply only when acting on posts with that tag. However, I'm unable to ...
A_S00's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Is it possible to vote to close a question as a duplicate (instead of single-handedly closing it) when you have a gold tag badge?

Recently I acquired a gold badge for dnd-5e. Gold tag badges allow a user to single-handedly mark questions with the appropriate tag as duplicates and reopen them as needed. However, one problem I'...
Purple Monkey's user avatar
1 vote
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Didn't get the Electorate badge

The site told me that I am very close to getting Electorate badge. I voted a bit, and then the system told me that I got it. I clicked on the link on my profile, and there was some text like "...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
5 votes
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Does Deleting Comments Impede People from Earning the Pundit Badge?

I was skimming through the site's awarded badges and noticed that the Pundit badge has only been awarded 92 times, which seemed rather low considering the requirements. Given that mods will do ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
20 votes
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I just earned the Generalist badge…

…And so did 43 other folks. Simultaneously. How does that happen?
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
3 votes
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Is the "Vox Populi" badge working?

I spent all my 40 votes today and didn't get the "Vox Populi" badge awarded :( Is this a bug or did I do something wrong? Any other possible reasons?
Wolpertinger's user avatar
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Can our badges be some symbol that's more recognizable than just featureless hexagons?

Sci-fi's stack Badge is the rebel alliance symbol, some other stacks have other cool symbols that represent their badges. As is right now, we have dice that well... don't really look like dice. They ...
Sandwich's user avatar
  • 15.8k
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What are the criteria for the "Curious" Badge?

The "Curious" Badge is awarded when you "ask a good question on 5 separate days, and maintain a positive question record." What is meant by "good question" in this? It's not the score of 25 required ...
nitsua60's user avatar
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Unawarded Badges?

Earlier today at one point A question I had posted an answer on had 23 votes with an accepted answer of 11 votes on the question, and supposedly met all of the requirements to receive the Populist ...
Sandwich's user avatar
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No Enlightened badge to go with Nice Answer on first-posted accepted answer?

I got Nice Answer for How to deal with combat immediately after entering room through narrow passage more than two hours ago, but no sign of Enlightened, though I'm pretty positive it meets the ...
user17995's user avatar
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Does contributing to Close/Reopen votes outside of the review queue contribute to your total?

At 250 and 1000 reviews in a category, you get a badge. But if you either vote to close or reopen outside of the queue, does it still count towards this total? And if not (as I suspect at the moment), ...
Dakeyras's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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How do 'Get X votes/views' badges work?

If you get 100 upvotes on an question or answer, that'll get you a Great Question/Answer badge. Likewise, there's the Famous Question badge for question views. But what happens if you already have a ...
Dakeyras's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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2 answers

Why don't I have Strunk and White?

I noticed on the election page that I don't have Strunk and White, but I would think I should have it. My user activity page shows that I've done 162 revisions, while the badge only requires 80 edits....
C. Ross's user avatar
  • 24.2k
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I just got fifteen badges, but I'm not bragging

I just got fifteen badges, about fifteen minutes ago, split between Announcer, Booster, and one Publicist. While I do pass links around ... it seems a little strange that I would get so many at one ...
C. Ross's user avatar
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Citizen's Patrol Badge... why?

I just got awarded the Citizen's Patrol badge... but I don't think I flagged anything recently. Anyone know why that might happen?
LeguRi's user avatar
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Can gold badges be awarded during a site's beta period?

Title kind of says it all. I notice that no gold badges have been awarded yet, and with some of the serious power users on this site, that seemed kind of strange.
Stewbob's user avatar
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Is there a way to track progress towards the badges

For example, is there a way to know how close to the editor badge you are?
user avatar
3 votes
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Do we have any control over badges?

I started thinking about what kinds of behavior we might want to encourage that are different from other stackexchanges, and how changing the badges might achieve that, but then I realized I don't ...
Numenetics's user avatar
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