Questions tagged [process]

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How do we resolve the problem of tags with multiple meanings?

This is the opposite problem of Too many tags for d&d. The specific issue which prompts it is the [history] tag, which is currently being used to tag both questions about the history of RPGs and ...
Dave Hallett's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is the process for re-closing a re-opened question?

I and a sufficient number of others voted to close the cars and phones question. Then a sufficient number of people voted to re-open it. Now we're discussing it here in Meta. Cool. Beyond that: What ...
Adam Dray's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

When and how do we elect moderators?

I know we have moderators pro tempore. I saw in that thread Robert Cartaino on Sept. 7, 2010 announced that we'd have our elections "in several weeks." Is that based on the Beta ending? Will the ...
Adam Dray's user avatar
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