Holmes, Moldvay/Cook, and Mentzer D&D releases all colloquially present as "Basic" D&D. We currently have: * [tag:dnd-bx] with 32 questions, referring to Moldvay/Cook. (Master tag to synonyms [tag:dnd-moldvay] and [tag:bx-dnd]) * [tag:dnd-becmi] with 12 question, referring to Mentzer. * (hot off the press!) [tag:dnd-basic] with 1 question, referring to Holmes. [This comment](https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/101607/what-are-the-differences-between-holmes-dd-and-original-dd#comment241274_101607) on the one Holmes-centric question argues for a different nomenclature for the tags. What should the tagging be on these questions/editions?