Do these guidelines need to be followed on other sorts of recommendation questions other than system recommendations?
No. Our game recommendation guidelines never really got genericised. It is not universal. It applies spottily to some things other than the recommendation of actual games, but not to all recommendations.
What applies to all recommendation questions is good subjective guidelines. Our game-rec rules just translate these with some extra specifics. The good subjective guidelines are the one that carry the famous Back It Up principle, i.e. our iron-clad rule you must be able to say you've seen it done or can back yourself up with a conclusive reference.
We've had some discussion on the generic-ness of our game rec rules. Here's the results:
- (December 2012). The most conclusive answer in here opposes a genericised recommendation tag. No support here for the rules being genericised.
- (December 2013) has an assertion game-rec should apply for published adventures too. We've taken up that practice.
- (February 2014) has a strongly supported assertion that the game-rec rules and tag should not be generic.
- (March 2015) asserted that the game-rec rules apply but was never heavily supported. (As the author, I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time, I could have just referenced GSBS.) To date no tool-recommendation questions have our blue game recommendations rules notice.
The community has never expressed strong support for universalising the game-rec rules. Historically stronger support seems to be for not doing that. Game-rec rules have been extended into one place only: adventure modules and other published game material expansions. The important bits are already standard procedure: back it up, don't be too broad, etc, and we don't need the game-rec rules to implement those.