I had a big long answer written up, but I don't really think I need one. Let's turn back the clock and peer way, way back in time to the antediluvian period, in ancient August of that long-vanished year of 2015: >@doppelgreener If the game-recs go, then our draconian bandaid solution for them will go too, I have no doubt. Whether tool-rec and such will live on after is probably something that will take some time to shake out, but regardless they'll be managed on their own merits. – SevenSidedDie♦ - [Aug 20 at 3:50](https://rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5721/do-the-game-rec-guidelines-apply-to-all-of-the-kinds-of-recommendation-questions#comment15848_5732)