## The endless arguments across Meta show that there are problems no matter what policy is used; Fix the "Ask A Question" page instead

We can maintain the policy and people will go against it when they add a screamingly obvious system tag and are told not to do so, resulting in irritation and upset for users.

We can change the policy and people will go against it when system tags are incorrectly edited in, resulting in irritation and upset for users.

(I could support further why each possible policy results in issues but if the countless Metas and this post are not evidence enough I really don't know what could be)


## Reduce the number of questions that don't have system tags

I think something being ignored is the fact that **a policy is only needed if there are questions without system tags.** And this is why I believe the thing we should *actually* be doing, instead of arguing circles about a policy and whether we should re-re-re-re-revisit it, is to better show the importance of a system tag.

> We should make it clearer to new askers that mentioning the exact system is going to be a requirement for having their question answered.

> [different quote] We tell new users to take the tour, yet the tour doesn't mention the current policy about explicit system specification. This should be changed, or else we're going to keep running into this problem with newer users.

There is discussion of this: "[Can our tag-prompt nudge toward including system?][1]", but for the past while we [could not do anything about the situation][2], which has hopefully now changed with the [recent change to the Ask A Question page][3].


Finally, and I cannot stress this enough, *not every question needs a system tag,* there are plenty of questions throughout the stack that are on player dynamics, gm-techniques, and other social (or at least non-mechanical) questions and these should not be required to have a system tag for any reason.

What I would propose is some sort of change to the Ask A Question page so that users are more directly aware of the importance of system tags, or are nudged, in some way to include one while also conveying that such a tag should be added *when the question is about or rooted in a certain TTRPG.*

[1]: https://rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/7681
[2]: https://rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9591
[3]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/344513