#No, the tag isn't preeminently super useful or high traffic, no that doesn't mean we should get rid of it.
Somebody with a good amount of rep thought the tag fit their question better than existing tags enough to warrant creation. That's a feature available to all users with over 1.5K reputation, because the network's system is to encourage users to create lots of tags and there is almost no cost to having additional tags.
Getting rid of tags1 takes community manager (i.e. one step higher than our site moderators) action and generally requires a meta or series of metas on the topic. We only do that when a tag is a problem. Not only is this tag not a problem, but it seems that no one, yourself included, had any reason of or suspicion that the tag is or was causing any problems. Given that, not only do the reasons to get rid of the tag not outweigh the reasons to not do so, but even if there wasn't a significant downside to going through tag deletion in general we still would have no reason to do this.
- Actually, we can also get rid of tags by deleting it off of every tagged question. The system then deletes the tag during the next clean up cycle. That's not generally feasible for larger tags that are being actively used, but we have done this before to get rid of smaller tags. This does not prevent the tag from being created again (that requires blacklisting it). We also don't do this unless there's a problem and it's not really to be invoked in cases escalating to community management wouldn't be appropriate, in my opinion. If the system gives somebody the ability to make tags and they think a tag creation is appropriate, we should let them run with that. It's not a big deal to have an extra tag unless there's something else going on (like they're trying to create a 'rules' or 'rpgs' tag or something vulgar, etc)