Recently, I was involved with a question (now deleted, 10k only) where the original user, "Jason", made a second account, "Jason", and tried to edit "their" question. It was pretty obvious that it was the same user, but technically there was no way to be sure, so I rejected the edit. However, the user made a few attempts at editing the question, and it was eventually accepted through the review queue anyway.
Today, a similar situation appears to be happening with this question where the original user, "SoundFX", appears to have made a second account, "SoundFX", and is attempting to edit "their" question. This time, I've accepted their edit request, since it's pretty obvious that it's the same user, and in the previous situation with "Jason", their edit seemed to eventually get through anyway, so it seemed pointless to reject their edit if other users would let it through anyway.
In situations like these where new users make a second account by accident, is there anything else we can do besides just throw out a comment including this guide on merging accounts? And should we accept or reject these edits (when it's pretty obvious that it's the same user), since consensus seems to be divided on this matter?