In June '21, Someone_Evil began a discussion: We need to talk about late votes to “policy” metas. As part of the summary of her overwhelmingly supported answer, doppelgreener includes this point:
- If a position on meta loses majority support, revisit them. The evidence we have at the moment suggests this takes a long time to happen, so we don't need to be concerned that this might happen constantly on any given issue.
Based on this guidance, I believe it may be time to at least consider if we should revisit the rule intent meta from our FAQ: Are questions about rule intent on topic?
In 2021, the accepted answer that represents the current state of "policy" has scored +3/-4, while the dissenting response has scored +7/-2, as I am writing this post. These votes have left the scores at +27-15 = 12 in favor of "rule intent questions are generally off topic" and +26-10 = 16 in favor of "rule intent questions are on topic".
However, only two weeks prior to the posting of the rule intent discussion that is now part of our FAQ, this discussion took place: How do we save designer reasoning questions? The voting on this question tells an entirely different story. The accepted answer here, featuring the bold header "Designer reasoning questions should be banned", is sitting at a somewhat one-sided +44/-7, the next highest answer, which provides guidance on how to change designer reasons questions to be good questions, is sitting at a near-unanimous +32/-1.
Given this state of affairs, I put forward the question:
Is it time to formally revisit the topicality of rule intent questions?
Note: this is not the place to discuss whether or not rule intent questions should be on topic. The place for that is here: So, let’s talk about rule intent and question closing