I made this part of an answer elsewhere, but I just want to reiterate it independent of all the other, more contentious stuff. This is a response to mistakes I see people making when removing the profanity — both when editing existing SE posts and when writing new quotes that bring up these issues (e.g. quoting text with expletives).
When modifying quotations, mark your changes
If you're editing direct quotes from other sources, make sure you add the appropriate markings so it's clear the quoted text has been modified! This is just how you comply with basic standards of citation and attribution.
For example:
The rules on page 45 say "Your [stuff] breaks whenever you roll a 1."
Brackets around "stuff" to show that it's my own substitution as opposed to the wording in the source.
Avoid masking
Bowdlerizing stuff with underscores and @$@# or whatever actively hurts readability. If you're adding these, your edit is hurting the content more than it's helping. Find another way. Short of a direct naming issue like "Brainf---," there's absolutely no reason to ever clutter up an answer with ugly masking when you can use substitution or elision to achieve the same result gracefully.