We have a great FAQ Index post here on the Role-Playing Games Meta Stack Exchange, but our current process for adding things to that list is a little lacking. Currently users add the faq-proposal tag to their question, then at some point in the future once the post is mature a mod will add the faq tag to it. This good in theory, but in practice has a few problems.
- No one gets notified when the tag is added.
- There is no good place to discuss whether a question should be on the FAQ list or not
- Proposals remain as proposals for months until a mod gets around to it
So I'd like to trial a new solution. Introducing the FAQ proposal index:
How it works
We'll continue using the faq-proposal tag on FAQ candidates. In addition, post an answer to this meta with a link to the question to be added and an optional justification for why it should be added. User can then use votes to indicate if the question is a good candidate and comments to discuss if required changes are required.
Highly voted questions indicate that the community has reached a consensus and the question should be added to our FAQ. What counts as "highly voted" is open for discussion, but for now, let's trial the following threshold: the post must have a score of at least +5, with at least a 2:1 upvote-to-downvote ratio.
After a reasonable period to collect input (let's try one month), proposals will be actioned. If they have sufficient support, a mod will add the faq tag and update the index accordingly. If not, we will remove the faq-proposal tag from the question. Either way, the answer post here will be deleted once acted upon.
If you want to propose removing a question from the FAQ, please ask a new question on meta tagged discussion proposing the removal.