This isn't a huge issue, (and may be a duplicate, but I didn't see another like it), but on a recent question there was quite a bit of discussion on a pair of answers which was ultimately moved to chat. The discussion seemed to generate some heat and unhappiness.
Currently, more comments are being added to those same answers which cover the exact same ground as in the chat and offer nothing new, other than to demonstrate that one additional person supports one or the other answers. They are, essentially, stirring up the same arguments in a way that will clutter the page (rather than leaving it to the chat, where anyone that would like to continue engaging can do so).
If I understand stack policy correctly, these comments are bound for deletion no matter what. But I'm not as clear on what I, as a non-mod user, should do. Is it worth flagging them for attention?
I did flag a couple that seemed especially argumentative and unhelpful (my thought being that prompt attention might defuse further heated argument when that entire discussion has been run into the ground already), but I don't want to pester mods with flags that aren't necessary.
Additionally, if flagging is appropriate, is the "no longer needed" flag better/more helpful than a "some other reason" flag?