I am creating this meta in order to prevent any misunderstanding about whats going on and checking with you guys if this is okay before I go on posting the questions around.
What is Dead Winter RPG?
Put it simply, it is a variant ruleset from the d20 system. A cousin to both Pathfinder and D&D 3.5. It came to be six years ago, as a new ruleset for my group to play with. During four years, I tended to it and watched it grow as its only DM. But them, it growth big, and two years ago other DM's started to conduct games on it.
It spread over to a bunch of groups and became a complete, however obscure, system.
Since it was written in portuguese, almost no-one in the great RPG communitys never heard a thing about it. It is not on rpg.net, it was not on rpg.se, it is not on GitP.
As it sole writer, Software developer and a bunch of other things, it is extremely hard to me to keep all of my duties AND the system on check. I can't keep on giving answers by email to every doubt that comes around.
Then I looked at RPG SE. It have the perfect format for adressing questions as they rise. It have an incredible easy interface and is really more clean than forums. So, I started to drive the dms and players of the system here, so we could keep a repository of questions and answers about the system.
As it is part of the brazillian culture, however, they ignored me and kept sending emails.
So I started looking around their question and posted a couple of the most confusing subjects here, and sent back to then a "hey, there is this great site that we all can use to kill those doubts!"
Most of them never heard about RPG SE. Im hoping that directing them to this site, they start to use it too.
Those questions are not some form of "propaganda" to DWRPG. Far from that. DWRPG is not a product, to start with, but a free, independent initiative to create a system with a different feel. I never used any term from DWRPG as an answer to another peoples questions. I never went to a game rec and said: "here, I have a System for ya". It is not my interest to do so.
If people look at those questions and want to know more about or even use them on their own games, thats fine. I would gladly talk about it all day long. It's my kid afterall.
Of course, if the people here on RPG SE prefer that I stop posting questions about the DWRPG, thats ok. I wont argue nor fight about it.
So I leave this to you guys. It's okay to post those questions here, or would you prefer that I don't?
Thanks for the great answers. I will sumarize what I got until now:
- Posting those questions is fine if I keep them relevant to the scope of RPG SE
- Having the SRD of the System up and online is priority so more people (specially english-speakers) could answer the questions.
- Keep the questions actual problems the players face or rules clarifications, as should be with any other question around RPG SE.