You can ask about setting information
Questions about game settings are totally on-topic here. (The only exception is if the game setting is primarily from a non-game source, like Westeros, in which case you're better off asking at and might see the question closed here, depending.) If you want to ask what can be known about the reactions of a public-figure NPC in an RPG setting, we can try to answer that, though it's possible there is insufficient information published to be able to answer certain questions.
However, that's only if you're asking about the setting in an idealized, canonical sense. That's the sort of thing that a GM might ask, when seeking raw material to inform their creative process when deciding how/whether/what to do in a game they're running.
But you can't (usefully) ask what will happen in your game
The GM is not bound by our conclusions about a setting when it comes to their vision of the setting in a game that they are running.
When you're a player, and trying to gather information for decision-making in-game, you can't take what we say, or even written canon, as true. Assuming that information you gather outside of the game is true for the specific game reality that your character lives in is just asking to be proved wrong.
If you honestly want to know more about a setting, ask away. If you want to find out information to give your character an edge or help you make a decision, you can still ask, but take the answers with a grain of salt, especially if it's not basic common knowledge within the setting or you're not sure whether your GM has other ideas.
If there is any sliver of doubt that your GM might contradict setting information—and when it comes to the thoughts and choices of NPCs, this is very rarely dictated strictly (or even vaguely!) to the GM by the setting material—you're far better off engaging in that kind of discussion with your GM, or simply having the character directly engage in the appropriate research.