Linked Questions

25 votes
19 answers

How is the community doing? [2021] [duplicate]

Ok, no points for guessing why last year's slipped, but we'd like to get back to doing this. We, the elected moderators, wanted to take a minute to check in and see how the community feels things are ...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 48.9k
42 votes
7 answers

Re-revisiting the "don't guess the system" policy [duplicate]

Note: As of September 3rd, 2021, this policy has been removed Following the results of Revisit III: Don’t Guess the System policy this policy is no longer in effect. New guidance pending. Sometimes ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
  • 95.6k
34 votes
5 answers

What to do when an edit guesses the system being used rather than waiting for the querent to clarify?

Note: As of September 3rd, 2021, this policy has been removed Following the results of Revisit III: Don’t Guess the System policy this policy is no longer in effect. New guidance pending. When the ...
Wibbs's user avatar
  • 17.8k
34 votes
3 answers

Revisit III: Don’t Guess the System policy

We occasionally get questions which don’t specify which game system they are about, and which are about specific aspects of that game. Because the context and answers depend and vary with the system, ...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 48.9k
29 votes
5 answers

Revisit: Is "5e" a clear enough statement of game system by a question asker to determine that the question is about D&D 5e?

Following the results of Revisit III: Don’t Guess the System policy this meta now refers to an outdated policy. This is a revisit of Is '5e' a clear enough statement of game system by a ...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 48.9k
13 votes
7 answers

How is the community doing? [2022] [duplicate]

We, the elected moderators, wanted to take a minute to check in and see how the community feels like things are going on the site. This community check-in has been done for the last few years (...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 48.9k
8 votes
11 answers

Main help center page: Question collection and voting

Coming from this question about what to put on the main help center page, the suggestion is to have a (relatively short) list with important meta questions to help introduce new (and network) users to ...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 48.9k
21 votes
2 answers

Can we generalize our policy on linking system-specific rules, toolsets, etc. as clearly stating the system?

Following the results of Revisit III: Don’t Guess the System policy this meta now refers to an outdated policy. We have this question about reopening a question and tagging it pathfinder-2e on the ...
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

We need to talk about late votes to “policy” metas

Let me start by trying to give a definition. We’re here talking about meta discussions which strongly guide or dictate behaviour, and in particular where there are opposing, incompatible options and – ...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 48.9k
15 votes
4 answers

When is it OK to assume the system without it being considered a guess?

This question was asked by a new user today. The terminology is clearly referring to D&D 5e, and they even link a related 5e Q&A. However, I still proceeded to ask the user that we cannot ...
NathanS's user avatar
  • 80.8k
5 votes
6 answers

How shall we frame our upcoming revisit of the Don't Guess the System Policy?

As a community, we should discuss how to frame the upcoming revisit of the Don't Guess the System Policy. We need a transparent and fair vote, so we ought to establish voting rules that prevent ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.7k
23 votes
1 answer

Why do I need to specify my game system, and how do I best do it?

I asked a question, but it was closed, with users asking what system I was asking about. What do they mean, and why do I need to specify this? Someone said my question was missing a system tag. What ...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 48.9k
3 votes
5 answers

Does the community agree with the part of the "never guess" policy regarding asking meta first? [closed]

To quote part of KRyan's most-upvoted answer about the current policy (that was added in a later edit): [...] we could allow system tags to be edited in without the OP’s input after a Meta discussion ...
NathanS's user avatar
  • 80.8k
12 votes
3 answers

Is it acceptable to add the [dnd-5e] tag to questions about D&D Beyond?

Following the results of Revisit III: Don’t Guess the System policy this meta now refers to an outdated policy. The following questions were tagged with dnd-beyond, and did not mention D&D 5e ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
  • 76.8k
15 votes
1 answer

Can we reapply the Pathfinder 2e tag to this Pathfinder 2e question?

Razzle-Dazzle and success vs Blindness is asking about two Pathfinder 2e features, linking to the Pathfinder 2e reference document for both features (; ...
doppelgreener's user avatar

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