Community FAQ
For Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
For frequently-asked questions common to all sites in the network, see FAQ for Stack Exchange sites.
For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center.
Asking questions
I want to ask for recommendations, but that's off topic. Is there any way to ask my question?
I've been told my question is better suited to a forum, but where should I go?
Writing answers
Should I be requesting people answer the question independently?
How do we handle a desire to challenge the frame of a question?
Can we affirm that RPG.SE embraces a plurality of playstyles?
When a Question Changes Completely, Should it be a New Question?
Editing and formatting
Community moderation and curation
Why was my question closed as too broad, unclear, or opinion-based?
How to deal with questions that just don't understand the scope of the RPG landscape?
External links
Is your question not part of the FAQ?
First check whether it's part of the FAQ for Stack Exchange sites.
Also check to see if a question tagged faq-proposal matches your question.
If your question hasn't already been asked, ask a new meta question! It might be the next addition to our FAQ.