As I am writing this, votes are being collected to synonym ancestry and ancestries to races, in response to this meta discussion: Should we have an [ancestry] tag?
In my two years or so active here, this is the first time I have seen this:
I found this by navigating to the synonyms page for the [races] tag. If I had not been already aware of the discussion about these synonyms, I never would have known this vote was happening.
How are you supposed to know about new tag synonym proposals without stumbling across them by chance (or already being aware that they might happen because of a meta discussion)?
To highlight further the problem here, Laurel pointed me to another page I had never seen before:
All these synonym suggestions have been sitting in limbo since they were proposed, including one that is over two years old. So I guess I am sort of answering the question in the question here - "look at this page for synonym proposals", but if that were a viable solution we wouldn't have synonym proposals from 2019 sitting in there. I think this is only showing the proposals I am eligible to vote for, so there may be more that I cannot see.