Never heard of it? That's probably because it's still in its playtesting stages, but here's the run-down:
Great Ork Gods is an indie role-playing game - an anarchic game of savage and violent Orks and the cruel and fickle hand of the Gods that watch over them. Grab a beer, a handful of d10s and get ready to stiff your mates, burn buildings, kill anything that moves and smash stuff for fun.
Designed by Jack Aidley, Great ork Gods is a tongue-in-cheek role-playing game where you play as vicious marauding orks and as the gods that hate them. It hasn't left its playtesting stages, but it has garnered some impressive (unsolicited) reviews from chatizens:
doppelgreener May 4 4:20 PM
@MadMAxJr Your table would enjoy Great Ork Gods.
BESW Apr 21 10:12 PM
(great-ork-gods is my group's go-to system for "We want a night of slapstick violence and sudden meaningless character death.")
Joel Harmon Mar 24 2:20 AM
[...] Great Ork Gods, wherein multiple deaths per session is totally expected
trogdor Apr 28 '16 7:36 AM
except stuff like Great Ork Gods, cause that whole system is built for you to have fun while several of your Ork characters die XD
Sandwich Nov 21 '15 3:49 AM
I've heard that Great Ork gods is a blast to play
The rules are simple enough to pick up as we go along, and are a whopping 9 pages long (7 if you skip the intro and sample scenario).
Place your suggestions for the schedule and run time in the comments. I'll see you then!