Via several comments, downvotes, and meta posts such as this one and this one, I get the impression that people would rather not be answering basic questions on this site, especially ones that can be answered directly by quoting source material. Complicated questions certainly get the most play, discussion, and longest-winded answers. But basic questions, ones that can be answered by direct quotes out of the rulebooks, seem to get flak and "RTFM" comments.
This runs contrary to everything in my veins, so I'd like to bring it up for discussion.
Before StackOverflow started, I listened to Joel and Jeff's podcasts. I distinctly remember their opinion at the time being "accept all questions, even easy ones." The goal of StackOverflow was to become the #1 site for programming knowledge on the internet (which they have done). While they did want to encourage expert-level questions and answers of course, intro-level questions were also highly sought after to bring in newcomers and be great for search results. It seemed that as the greater StackExchange network started up, the opinion was distinctly not "we are one Q&A site of many for this topic" but rather "we are the best Q&A site for this topic."
I look at this question and the Area 51 FAQ, and I get the impression people think this site should be experts-only. I do not read it that way; my impression is that the site should not just deep dive into RPGs and be expert-friendly, but quite simply be the best Q&A resource for RPGs that exists, usable by experts and newcomers alike.
So what kind of community is this? Do we want expert questions only, do we want to accept all sorts, or something else?
In contrast, I feel that Arqade is currently far more accepting of basic questions than this site. Clearly my opinion is that basic questions should be accepted with open arms.