Unless anyone has any objections or wants to salvage/synonym random somehow, I'm going to burninate it in a couple of days. Randomness itself doesn't seem like a useful area of expertise, and the tag isn't well-used.
It gets used beside generator and encounter-tables a lot and in a couple of questions about dice rolls, but all of those things are implicitly about randomness anyway.
For historical record, random is attached to these 11 questions:
- What ever happened to rolling for stats, encountering class trainers, etc?
- Random Dungeon/Maze Generator
- What's a good random dungeon generator for D&D 3.5?
- Paper-and-dice random loot chart for psionic item powers
- How to randomly generate a village or town for old school D&D game?
- What are some interesting ways to structure a random encounter table?
- Rules for generating a game world as you go?
- Weapon that does 5 damage vs. one that does 1d10 damage: What characteristic of the weapons causes this difference?
- Is there a working online random adventure generator for D&D 3.5e?
- Does anyone have random encounter tables for 4th edition D&D?
- Is there a random encounter generator online, for color/minor city detail stuff?