Would questions about Aye Dark Overlord be on topic?
It's certainly role-playing, but it's more method acting than dice rolling.
Would questions about Aye Dark Overlord be on topic?
It's certainly role-playing, but it's more method acting than dice rolling.
We don't want to exclude story games, diceless games, or non-traditional RPGs do we? I've never played Aye Dark Overlord, but It seems like a card-drive RPG to me, albeit one I have pretty much no interest in.
I think that if something has any RP elements in it, it counts. So we take diceless, LARP, stupidly complex board games, war games that allow control of individuals, etc. RPG is such a broad term.
As the site is currently defined, I believe this would be off-topic. The game, from what I've researched of it, appears to be a card game and does not really fit in with other RPGs.
Particularly, this site's FAQ specifies that it is meant for pen-and-paper tabletop RPGs. See the quote below.
Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is for players and gamemasters of tabletop role-playing games. If you play or run Dungeons & Dragons, Shadowrun, World of Darkness, or any of the thousands of other pen-and-paper RPGs, then you're in the right place to ask your question!
So, unless we want to broaden the scope of our site definition, and update the FAQ accordingly, "Aye, Dark Overlord!" would not fit in here.
Other, notable differences from commonly-recognized RPGs (specifically D&D, but I'm sure this applies to many others):
Perhaps the "pen-and-paper" stipulation mentioned above may be removed or modified (see this thread for discussion), but even if that were not an issue, Aye! Dark Overlord still does not IMHO qualify as an RPG for the purposes of this board.