Recommended reading:
- Are game recommendation questions on topic?
- How to deal with questions that just don't understand the scope of the RPG landscape?
- What's so problematic about a recommendation question having potentially hundreds of answers, anyway?
Observe recent question Are there any perk based RPG systems (e.g. Fallout III, Skyrim, etc)?. Compare to a question like Overview of D&D retro-clones.
I believe this question isn't really an example of a game-rec question, as the poster isn't looking for one game that fits a set of criteria - it's a survey question, where it's asking for a primer in a certain area. The retroclones question is a good example of this - instead of sweating the OP on "what exact retroclone do you want" we had some good answers explaining the space.
From time to time we have questions like this, where they are asking for games but really it's a theory question asking about mechanics or techniques, and wants to know if they exist/what they're called/what major games use them.
We discussed this way back in Diceless Technique Question but that was in context of Community Wikis and stuff. I think in the modern regime, we should consider guiding posters with questions like this away from the game-rec rules and towards asking something like,
"I am interested in RPG mechanics like the perk-based advancement in Skyrim/Fallout - no classes, but with leveling, and advancement defined by increasing skills and gaining specific perks (abilities) related to those skills. Does this concept exist within tabletop RPGs, if so what is it usually called, and what are examples of major games use it?" (Note this is more focused than the current linked question, it is not a good question as it stands yet).
Obviously there will be some temptation for people to answer these poorly with just a single game ("Champions durr, peace out") but it'd be pretty obvious to downvote those.
Should we adopt this approach to people seeking general understanding of an area, or force them down the "super specific" game-rec path?