I can't really remember why I joined. I think it was to find an answer to an odd D&D question since I got back in to D&D, after a long lay off, in 2014.
As a result of this site, I got to play D&D 5e with a group of Chatizens (people who were discussing various stuff in chat) where we had one player in Guam (trogdor) two on the east coast (NautArch, nitsua60), me in Central time zone, and I can't recall where Shalvenay and MikeQ were (thinking Central time zone, but maybe West Coast maybe?) V2 joined us for a few sessions as well before RL lowered the boom on that campaign (as happens to many campaigns).
From that group, I then got to play, also:
Honey Heist
Golden Sky Stories
Great Ork Gods
Fellowship (A Dungeon World variant)
And, a one-off D&D adventure with Shalvenay (it is somewhere in the archives of the Backroom chat room) as DM where my paladin tried to (and eventually did) recover a lost religious figurine and return it to the shaman of an orc tribe. Someday Malik Mabir will go adventuring again...
All without having to leave home.
A few of us are about to get a 13th Age game started with a chatizen friend in Finland(the notorious bird / eagle watcher kviiri 😎).
We were remote gaming before COVID-19 made it more necessary.
Ooh, and I just forgot: because I got to know those same folks and game with them, I ended up in a play test for an adventure that got published, and that I hope to run my group through later in the current campaign.