It should be noted that the official stance of Onyx Path (and by virtue of being the only mouthpiece I can find for the new White Wolf, presumably White Wolf), that 'New World of Darkness' branding is being retroactively sunset.
A commenter asked...
Minor request when you have a chance, can you clarify the naming conventions on the Chronicles as far as how they relate to the nWoD versions? Is it only nWoD 2 that is the Chronicles and the old version is still nWoD, is it Chronicles 1 and 2nd Ed, or is it something else all together?
To which Rich Thomas (richt), head of Onyx, replied
All of the stuff we have previously or would call nWoD is now Chronicles of Darkness.
By official naming, all the new-world-of-darkness and similarly named tags should be transitioned to chronicles-of-darkness and similarly named tags if we are going to encourage following the official product names - which is admittedly complicated by not being the name on some of the book covers.