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Questions tagged [migration]

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12 votes
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Guidelines for migration from the Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange

I'm putting together an effort on the Science Fiction & Fantasy Meta Stack Exchange to give users guidance for when they should migrate1 a question from SFF to a different site on the network. The ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
3 votes
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Star Wars Lore: a Request for Explanation, and Either Migration or Reopening

I've had this question about sources for price benchmarks for typical items/services closed as off-topic. I would like to request either one of two actions, or an explanation of the logic behind what ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar
3 votes
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Migration rejected - and now what?

How to create a logical system to run a divination engine based on d&d magic? How do I help OP to get this question clarified and possibly reopened (on Worldbuilding on here, depending what he ...
Mołot's user avatar
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Migration Path for tool recommendations to SoftwareRecs.SE

There is a place on the SE Network that deals with Tool Recommendations and its called Software Recommendations. As RPG.SE recently abandoned the tool recommendations I would propose to migrate them ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
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11 votes
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Migration flags should be more general than “questions about video games”

Recently, I tried to flag as “Definitely off topic: Probably Board-Gaming related (maybe not even that)”. Unfortunately, ...
Anaphory's user avatar
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Hi RPG! A reminder from your friends at Gaming: We don't do Recommendations

Like this one. Please don't migrate stuff to us that we're just going to have to close. Thanks!
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do question migration paths get set up?

When you vote to close a question, a list of related candidates to move the question to shows up. For us this is only Meta.Rpg. How does this list come to be? Is it strictly manual? If it's manual, ...
AceCalhoon's user avatar
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