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15 votes

Let's brainstorm some [chat] events

Micro-RPG play/playtests Our Very OwnTM chatizens have written a number of small RPGs. (And there are hundreds of other micro-RPGs out there worth trying!) Often people will take them for a test drive,...
nitsua60's user avatar
  • 102k
12 votes

Let's brainstorm some [chat] events

Tabletop Tasting Time! A lot of people visiting the chat (including myself) have awareness of only so many different RPGs, with some folks only familiar with D&D or D&D-and-friends. Let's ...
eimyr's user avatar
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5 votes

Let's brainstorm some [chat] events

Movie Night! OK, it's entirely unoriginal. And, OK, most of the movies that are on-topic for us are terrible. But it's not like we're under any obligation to keep these events relevant to our site's ...
Miniman's user avatar
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4 votes

Let's play some Great ork Gods!

Game 1: July 18, 2017 - 14:00-16:00 GMT +0 Great success! We steam-cleaned some socks, developed a fear of water, among other things. Full transcript of the game here. GM: daze413 Player count: 3-...
4 votes

Let's brainstorm some [chat] events

Book Club! Alright, I'll admit it: I've had Playing at the World for over a year, and I'm not quite halfway through. But with your help, maybe I could make it by 2018? Alternatively, there are (of ...
nitsua60's user avatar
  • 102k
2 votes

Let's brainstorm some [chat] events

Blog Club! Bite-sized book club. Short enough to read and comment on in an hour or two.
Joel Harmon's user avatar
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