I recently asked Why does a round last 6 seconds? on the main site.
To the best of my experience, this question is on-topic, specific, answerable, and reasonably scoped.
Nevertheless, it was closed as opinion-based in less than 10 minutes.
However, I disagree that it's opinion-based. Here are my arguments:
- There may be an authoritative answer by the original creator: For example, if this rule was created by Gary Gygax (I assume it is), then maybe he has provided feedback (e.g., in an interview, book, etc.) as to why this number was chosen.
- There may be an authoritative answer by one of the games that have adopted it: To my experience, the number 6 is very common (all the games I've played use it). Surely, someone (a creator, a publisher, etc.) must have addressed at some point it even remotely.
I believe that the people who voted to close the answer as opinion-based, did so because they themselves did not know the answer, which beats the purpose of asking questions. In other words, their opinion that the question is opinion-based is not based on objective reasoning. This argument becomes more clear when considering that the question was closed so quickly, i.e., there wasn't time to find out whether there's an authoritative answer.
Am I wrong? Is this question indeed opinion-based?