Time to retire the [rules-as-written] tag?
We Need To Bring This To A Conclusion
I did not have a specific solution to propose during the last RAW debate and I said "sure, let's give it another try." But this has failed. The tag is still ...
Should we add a [rules-as-written] tag warning, and what should it say?
Based on what Zachiel drafted up and Baskakov_Dmitriy's conclusions plus the What, exactly, is the RAW tag for? meta's answers, I suggest this as a possible tag warning:
Questions about the rules as ...
Time to retire the [rules-as-written] tag?
I agree with retiring the [rules-as-written] tag. Rules as written questions and answers on the site are fine and we as a community affirm they will always be welcome, but the tag sucks at its own job ...
How to answer when GM Fiat is included in RAW?
Just answer RAW with RAW.
Most games explicitly or implicitly don't constrain their GMs to the RAW. But when someone is asking a RAW question, they are wanting to engage just with the game text and ...
Should we add a [rules-as-written] tag warning, and what should it say?
I think it is a good idea and I think it should read something like this:
A Rules-as-written question does not simply ask about the rules of a game. It implies finding out the most literal (even if ...
Is there a tag for "Official rules problems"?
There isn't such a tag. 95% of what our site does is "official rules problems" and at that level it's not useful to have a tag. Several tags along the lines of "rules" or "mechanics" have been ...
How to answer when GM Fiat is included in RAW?
People ask questions because they want answers. If we allow that the people asking the questions are experts in the things that they are asking about unless there's evidence otherwise, the number of ...
Is there a tag for "Official rules problems"?
@doppelgreener's answer is right, but it's worth saying that some things can't be described by tags. If you care what exact sources solutions come from, you just need to say that out loud in your ...
Does using the Rules as Written tag restrict answers to only using RAW?
The tag itself means nothing.
Using the rules-as-written tag means and does nothing. It is just a tag. It exists solely to categorise and describe the question based on content already found in the ...
Time to retire the [rules-as-written] tag?
Don't rush to judgment
Because of its importance, I think discussion on this topic should continue beyond the current April 5 deadline to at least April 26. So far as I'm aware—and the moderators can ...
What Exactly Are the Classification Criteria for the [rules-as-written] Tag?
Recommendation: change your view of questions, edits, and ownership
It seemed to me that the tag itself is a collateral issue. There are so many metas already in place on that one tag - rules-as-...
Should we add a [rules-as-written] tag warning, and what should it say?
What is actually [rules-as-written]? We should find out!
Some time ago, being very new to the site, I tried to understand the nature of the rules-as-written tag. I did make a mistake (?) of marking my ...
Time to retire the [rules-as-written] tag?
The rules-as-written tag is used by people to mean three disjoint
"I know this is crazy, don't tell me that; I want a legalistic loophole type exploit of the rules" (for example, ...
Time to retire the [rules-as-written] tag?
A modest proposal: link this Answer to the FAQ or [help]
One of the best treatments of what that RPG-centric topic covers that I've read, in terms of how to understand that term and apply it. I am ...
Should we add a [rules-as-written] tag warning, and what should it say?
This site operates on a definition of rules-as-written that
Does not conform to its wider usage outside this site, and ignores the folk taxonomy
Was unilaterally determined by two members of the site
What Exactly Are the Classification Criteria for the [rules-as-written] Tag?
Recent usage—that's not adequately reflected in the tag description of the rules-as-written tag—has seen the tag rules-as-written become appropriate only for questions that state clearly and ...
What Exactly Are the Classification Criteria for the [rules-as-written] Tag?
The bolded part of your question is "What are the game-mechanical benefits of [game feature]?" The rules-as-written tag doesn't apply because your question doesn't seem to be about how the rules are ...
Are we satisfied with the Tag Wiki / Info entry for the RAW Tag?
Yes, I am satisfied.
For new users, the chances of any of them (informed by my own
experience) to put deep thought into which tag to use is nil. Thus,
as new users do or don't use tags correctly, ...
Are we satisfied with the Tag Wiki / Info entry for the RAW Tag?
"Yes, leave it alone."
It ain't broke, don't fix it.
(Note that the question specifically called this out as an acceptable answer. It is the correct answer, so I'm giving it.)
Are we satisfied with the Tag Wiki / Info entry for the RAW Tag?
This tag has been discussed many times before.
It's good, but like most things on the site, there may be room for improvement.
When I consider a situation where I want RAW responses, I want:
An ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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