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20 votes

Should I provide an answer even if I voted to close a question?

You should re-think your close vote It is, of course, possible to “think” you know what the question is asking, and prepare for that, without being confident enough to actually post an answer—in that ...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 357k
18 votes

How do we feel about "Should trusted close/reopen voters and reviewers have their votes weighted more than others'?"

This is a feature for sites that struggle to get close (or reopen) votes RPG SE is not that site. In fact this site seems to have one of the strongest moderation cultures across the entire network. ...
Laurel's user avatar
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11 votes

How do we handle questions that are repeatedly closed and reopened?

Repeated close and reopen rounds occur in a narrow range of circumstances. One of the most common situations is that a question is simply contentious: several people think it ought to be closed for ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
11 votes

How do we feel about "Should trusted close/reopen voters and reviewers have their votes weighted more than others'?"

At this time, I don't feel like the stakes are high enough to warrant a robust analysis of the data, since SE isn't forcing this upon us; so I will leave a few thoughts based on my experience as one ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
11 votes

Should I provide an answer even if I voted to close a question?

If you think the current question cannot be answered or should not be answered, then the correct thing is to close vote until the question is edited such that it could be answered. If, however, the ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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10 votes

How do the lists of close votes in the history and in the close vote queue differ?

The review queue history is the history of reviews only. There are two places to vote to close a question: the question page and the review queue. If you vote to close while performing a close vote ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
9 votes

Should Diamond Mods have a set of guidelines on voting to close/reopen contentious questions? If so, what should that policy be?

Mods know the rules The power of a mod is often confused with the responsibility of being a mod*. Mods don't close/open a question because they feel like it, they do so, because they know what the SE ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 23.1k
8 votes

Should this question on whether DM's hiding rolls is standard remain open?

Remove the dnd-5e and dungeons-and-dragons tags and leave it open. Reviewing the existing answers, none of them actually address the question from the perspective of D&D 5e. So the simple solution ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
7 votes

Should I provide an answer even if I voted to close a question?

This is what I learned from other sites that might be useful to be applied here: Answering and Voting-to-Close (VTC) a question gives a mixed signal about the quality of the question. Closing a ...
Vylix's user avatar
  • 33k
7 votes

How do we feel about "Should trusted close/reopen voters and reviewers have their votes weighted more than others'?"

Currently, it's not needed here On this site, there are several dozen people that vote to close at all times of the day. I have rarely seen a question staying in the Vote-To-Close state for more than ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 45.6k
7 votes

How do we handle questions that are repeatedly closed and reopened?

The Voting Continues Until The Question Improves Or until everyone with a strong opinion is locked out of the debate. In principle, these open-close wars can go on for a very long time, but probably ...
Novak's user avatar
  • 45.4k
4 votes

How do we handle questions that are repeatedly closed and reopened?

Whose vote is most valuable? No one user’s vote is most valuable. Every user with access to close votes gets one vote, and no vote is more valuable than any other. In a comment, you wrote: It's much ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
3 votes

How do we handle questions that are repeatedly closed and reopened?

Just work on it - the number of close-votes is limited. Every user can only try to close or open a question once each, then can't re-vote to close or open the same question for quite some time. I know ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 45.6k
3 votes

What is this question actually asking and is it on topic?

There are different questions intermingled There are at least four different questions asked throughout the post, having varying broadness and topicality. The broad issue of plate armor names in 5e ...
Anagkai's user avatar
  • 16.6k
2 votes

Should Diamond Mods have a set of guidelines on voting to close/reopen contentious questions? If so, what should that policy be?

Sure, guidelines are good I'm always a fan of explicit guidelines. Explicit guidelines for reason makes action more easily predicted and thus, in this case, makes moderation seem more transparent. We ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar

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